Chapter 18: About Adults and Strabismus Surgery
A Patient & Parent Guide to Strabismus Surgery
George R. Beauchamp, M.D.
About adults and strabismus surgery – surgery to correct it—is similar to surgery in children, with some significant differences. Adults may have had strabismus their entire conscious lives, and are more likely to have had previous surgery. Strabismus may have also been acquired and be secondary to a wide range of associated medical conditions— traumatic, medical and neurological. Adults also have longstanding, and often more complex feelings about their strabismus. They know about their conditions, may have worried about the effects on their futures, and have accumulated (of ten negative) experience—their own and the reactions of others. Technically, the procedures can be more challenging, particularly if previous eye surgery has been extensive and/or the conditions more complex. Adult, especially elderly, tissues are more delicate to manipulation and slower to heal than children. All of this, when successfully overcome, makes successful correction of strabismus in adults gratifying to all.
Read about Why It May Be Important to a Person to Have Strabismus Surgery (and How Much)
If you would like to arrange a pediatric or adult eye consultation with an ophthalmologist at ABC Eyes, please submit an online appointment request or call one of our offices:
ABC Eyes
Dallas Office 214-369-6434
Grapevine Office 817-329-5433
Plano Office 972-797-1200